Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

The publication process in the International Journal of Global Politics and Public Administration is the basis for the development and dissemination of knowledge in an objective and respectful manner. Therefore, the processes in this process increase the quality of the work. Peer-reviewed studies are studies that support and implement the scientific method. At this point, it is of great importance that all parties involved in the publication process (authors, readers and researchers, publisher, referees and editors) comply with ethical rules. The International Journal of Global Politics and Public Administration expects all parties to have the following ethical responsibilities. The following ethical duties and responsibilities were written in the light of the guidelines and policies prepared by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Ethical Rules for Authors:

All authors must have significantly contributed to the research.
All authors are obliged to provide retractions or corrections of mistakes.
Authors should read and sign the copyright agreement at the top of the page and send it to the contact address.
The articles previously published in another publication or in the evaluation stage by another publication are not accepted into “International of Journal Global Politics and Public Administration” publication process.
All the ethical and legal responsibilities related to the published articles belong to the authors.
It should be ensured that the articles, figures, drawings, findings and conclusions are made in accordance with the rules of academic publication and do not contain plagiarism in any.

The submission of the ethics committee report is mandatory.

Ethical Rules for Editors:

Field editors and issue editors will examine whether the articles are original, scientific, or not, according to the criteria above.
A plagiarism report from the Turnitin or Itenticate plagiarism program will be evaluated by the issue editor. Articles that appear problematic will be reviewed by the editorial board.
The reviewer evaluation process will not be initiated for any article that is not approved by the Editor – Editorial Board.

Ethical Rules for Reviewers:

Peer-review is defined as obtaining advice on individual manuscripts from reviewers’ experts in the field.
Judgments are required to be objective.
Reviewers are required to have no conflict of interest.
Reviewers are required to point out relevant published work that is not yet cited.
Reviewed articles are treated confidentially.
Reviewers will evaluate the article in terms of academic quality as well as compliance with standards and general international publication ethics.
On ethical issues, Reviewers and editors work on the principle of cross-checking.