

European Union, Normative Power, Climate Change


Although the European Union was a community founded by emphasizing economic concerns in its founding stages, it later saw itself as an element of power in the changing world. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the integration of the Western European Countries that formed the basis of the EU and the Eastern European Countries that separated from the Soviet Union became a necessity. There has been a need for the European Union to develop its power elements to ensure this integration. It is seen that the power elements of the EU are civil power, military power and normative power and that it uses these power elements to ensure integration. We see Normative Power as the element of power that the EU has used most in the international arena in recent years. We can list the EU's Normative Power Elements as: peace, freedom, democracy, rule of law, human rights, social solidarity, fight against discrimination, sustainable development and good governance. Among these, the normative values ​​that the EU uses most effectively are 'Democracy, Human Rights, Minority Rights and Diplomacy', and the normative values ​​that we can consider as moderately effective are Sustainable Development; They can be listed as Environment and Energy. We can state that the EU has normative power due to its leading role in Climate Change issues in recent years. However, even though the EU uses this power effectively, the activities carried out are not sufficient to stop climate change.

Author Biography

Ahmet Özdemir, Ortahisar ilçe milli eğitim müdürlüğü

I was born in Akçaabat in 1979. I completed my high school education at Yomra High School. I graduated from Atatürk University Erzincan Education Faculty, Department of Classroom Teaching in 2002. In the same year, I was appointed as a Classroom Teacher. I completed my EYTPE Master's degree at the KTU Institute of Educational Sciences between 2010 and 2012. I graduated from Anadolu University Public Administration Undergraduate Program in 2016. I have been a Master's Student in Political Science and Public Administration at Gümüşhane University Graduate Education Institute since 2023. In 2014, I was appointed as the Provincial/District National Education Branch Manager of the Ministry of National Education and I still hold this position.


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How to Cite

Özdemir, A. (2024). NORMATIVE POWER OF THE EUROPEAN UNION; CLIMATE CHANGE CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK. International Journal of Global Politics and Public Administration, 1(1). Retrieved from