Normative Power of Europe, the Rising Right and its Colonial Past; The Story of a Paradox
The concept of Europe's Normative Power (NPE) is a concept that expresses the image, mission and ideals of the EU within itself and in the international arena. Normative Power; It consists of nine norms: human rights, rule of law, democracy, peace, freedom, non-discrimination, social solidarity, good governance and sustainable development. Europe wants to export these values to its partners as its own values and norms. However, it is questionable to what extent the EU has internalized these values and norms. Especially the rising far right in the EU, its xenophobia, anti-immigrant stance and its attitude towards economic and political relations with underdeveloped and developing countries strengthen this suspicion. The study questions the future of Europe on the axis of "normative power" by using the comparative politics method.
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