Economic migration, Immigration policy, Income distribution, Welfare level, Cost of living.Abstract
Immigration policy is a part of the important policies that regulate the entry and stay processes of immigrants in the country, determined by countries through laws, rules, and policies. Immigration policy is generally determined by considering the country's economic situation, population structure, security concerns, cultural differences, and other factors. Economic migration policy covers the policies countries take to regulate the situation of immigrants who come to the country for economic reasons. These policies aim to attract qualified and talented immigrants who will contribute to the country's economy, eliminate labor shortages, and support economic growth. Successful implementation of economic migration policies can support the country's economic growth, strengthen the labor market, and stimulate innovation. These are economic migration policies that we are familiar with, but what kind of policy is needed to prevent unwanted migration? For example, what should be done if it is desired to prevent migration at its source or if it is preferred that possible displacements do not occur? Of course, to produce a solution, the problem must be clearly understood. The article evaluates the economic problems that cause migration through the "source country" country of origin. The article presents a highly detailed analysis of the causes using intensive literature review, observation and brainstorming techniques. The interaction and combination of these factors may complicate migration movements and make it difficult to establish migration policies, but it brings us closer to a solution.
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