Writing Rules

1. In our journal, articles are required to be a maximum of 25 pages.
2. Articles must be in Turkish or English.
3. Translations may be included in the magazine.
4. Submitted articles must not have been published elsewhere before.
5. The font style should be Time News Roman, single-spaced, 12 point font and 1.5 cm indented at the beginning of the paragraph.
6. The page size is required to be 2.5 from all edges (top, bottom, right, left). Footer, header should be 1.25.
7. The text title should be 14 points, centered, all letters should be capitalized and bold.
8. The author and their names and surnames should be written immediately after the title of the study. Authors' titles, institutions and e-mail addresses should be shown at the bottom of the page with footnotes (10 point font). All subsequent footnotes must be in 10 point font.
9. The study must include Turkish and English titles, abstracts and keywords. Abstracts should be written in 10-point font and italics.
10. There should be at least 3 and at most 5 keywords.
11. Paragraph spacing in studies should be arranged in 6 pt format before and after.
12. Numbering in the text should be 1., 2., 3. for primary level headings, 1.1., 2.1., 2.2., 3.1… for secondary level headings, except INTRODUCTION, CONCLUSION AND REFERENCES. In third level headings 1.1.1., 2.2.1…. It should be in the form .
13. All letters of first-level headings in the text should be capitalized and bold. Only the initial letters of the first words of other sub-level headings should be capitalized, the others should be lowercase. All headings must be bold.
14. Tables and figures should be numbered, their titles should be at the top and centered, and they should be numbered respectively (such as Table.1, Table.2, Figure.1, …….Figure.4)

15. Turnitin, Intihal.net etc. The article report to be received from one of the plagiarism detection environments must be below 20%, excluding bibliography.

16. APA 6 method should be used in citing sources in the text. For example;
a. (Atay, 2003: 84).
b. (Özer et al., 2012: 56).
c. (Alpay and Aksu, 2012: 4).
D. (TODAIE, 2004: 23).
17. Only the names and access dates of internet sources should be given in the text, and the address of the website should be shown only in the bibliography.
a. In the text: (KDK, ).
b. In the bibliography: KDK (Ombudsman Institution) (2015). http://www.ombudsman.gov.tr/, (Access Date: 26.08.2015).
In the bibliography; (The second rows of the welds must be started from 1 cm in.)
a. For articles: Author Surname (Capital letters), author name (year). The name of the article in quotation marks, the journal in which it was published in italics, issue: , volume: , the page intervals of the article in the journal.

DOĞAN, Selen (2001). “E-Governance”, Academic View Journal, Volume: 1, Issue: 3, pp.1-23.

b. For two or more authors;

DOĞAN, Selen and Filiz Yalık (2001). “Public Administration”, Journal of Management Sciences, Volume: 4, Issue: 6, pp.15-33.

c. For books:

Author Surname (Capital letters), author name (year). Book name, publishing house and place of publication in italics.

CEYLAN, Akif (2001). Sociology, Babil Publications, Istanbul.

D. For Edited Books:

Chapter Author (year). Chapter title in quotes, (Editors: ), Name of the book (italics), publishing house, place of publication, page ranges.

ASİL, Sedat (2009). “Method in Internal Audit”, (Ed. Asım Balcı and Şinasi İdris), Internal Audit, Alkım Publishing House, Bursa, pp.23.42.

to. For theses:

Author Surname and name (year). thesis name in quotation marks, unpublished doctoral/master's thesis, ……. University……Institute (italics), Place of publication.

AKÇAL, Metin (2001). “Performance Auditing in Public Administration”, Unpublished Master's Thesis, Gazi University Institute of Social Sciences, Ankara.

f. For online resources:
Author surname and name or institution name (year). Title of the article, internet address, in quotes (Access Date: ).

ADIVAR, Adnan (2013). “10 Principles in Auditing”, http://www2.deloitte.com/tr/tr/services/audit.html?icid=top_audit, (Access Date: 10.11.2013).

g. For Symposium or Congress Papers: Paper Author (year). Section title in quotation marks, (editors: ), Symposium name, publishing house, place of publication, page ranges.

ASİL, Sedat (2009). “Sociological Method in Weber”, (Ed. Asım Balcı and Emel Kaya), 5th Sociology Congress Proceedings Book, Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University Publications, Muğla, pp.23.412.