Birleşmiş Milletler, Çatışma, Ruanda, Soğuk SavaşAbstract
The subject of this study is the United Nations interventions in regional conflicts after the Cold War period: The Case of Rwanda. Since the Cold War period, regional conflicts have increased. The Rwandan Genocide is one of them. This conflict, which targeted the Tutsi ethnic group, is one of the bloodiest and most striking acts of violence in history. During this genocide, which involved atrocities that could be considered crimes against humanity, Tutsis were openly massacred, raped, and tortured. The purpose of the United Nations organization, established after the Second World War, is to ensure peace and security in the world. However, this organization has not fully fulfilled its duties and has remained indifferent to the end of a race by remaining a spectator in the case of Rwanda. The aim of this study is to analyze the response of the United Nations to regional conflicts through the example of Rwanda. In this context, the response of the United Nations to regional conflicts and its reaction to the massacres in Rwanda have been analyzed, and the evaluation has been left to the reader. This study aims to analyze the United Nations' intervention in the Rwandan genocide.
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